ancestry of Marinus Anthony van der Sluijs)
last updated July 2003
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go back to generation 13 (born circa 1570 to 1600)
proceed to generations 15-28 (born prior to circa 1540)
generation 14 ('stamoudouders'):
8192. Cornelis Cornelisse (Geraertsz.) (van Drimmelen) [Corneliszn.; Gerardszn.], born circa 1530 Standhazen (?) [prior to 1535], salmon fisher, leased in 1585, received 31-5-1581 a piece of land behind the Croon, his children participated 10-2-1606 their respective parts and rights for a sixth part in the sale of a piece of land to Sebastiaan Adriaans Casteleyn in a quarter of a 'bunder' of land in Govaert Heynen Stede in the quarter of Breda on the Made, 13-10-1607 his heirs sold a quarter of a 'bunder' of land in the Lange Maeten to Maeyken Goort Jans, widow of Aert Jacobs, died circa 1585, presumably in Standhazen [between 1585 and 13-10-1607]
8193. Anna Govertse [Anneke, Anneken; Govertsdr.] from Standhazen, died prior to 13-10-1607 [prior to 1600?]
Issue from this marriage, (1) Adam, see above, (2) Bastiaan Cornelisse, died between 18-8-1617 and 22-6-1619, married Digna Jans, (3) Gerrit Cornelisse, sheriff of Drimmelen 1587, died between 4-9-1613 and 16-3-1618, married Janneke Goverts, (4) Anneke Cornelisse, died after 13-10-1607, married Pieter Janse van de Swaluwe, (5) Lenaertje Cornelisse, married Arien Cleijsz Bosscher, (6) Maeyken Cornelisse, married (a) Jan Seeuws, married (b) Rodrigo Paix
8194. = Klaas Daniels, see below
8208. Klaas Daniels (Klaasse) (Bosser) [Cleijs, Cleys; Deniszn.], born circa 1500
8304. Willem (Hagers)
8308. Corstiaan
8316. = Klaas Daniels, see above
8656. Willem Gijsbrechtse Brederode [Gijsbertz.], born circa 1540, farmer at Ooltgensplaat
8638. Willem
9088. Jan Arendse Luijendijk [Arends], born Heenvliet
9090. Cornelis Jansz. Torreman
9120. Cornelis (Slik)
9124. Jan Dirkse [Dircks], christened 24-12-1589 Nieuwe Tonge
9125. Teuntje Wouterse [Wouters], born Sommelsdijk, died after 1664
9126. Dirk (Braber)
9128. Jan (‘t Hooft)
9130. = 5414
9472. Joost van der Have, born circa 1543 Sirjansland, married circa 1567:
9473. Maaike Janse [Maeyke; Jansdr.]
Issue from this marriage, (1) Jacob Joostz., born 1568 Sirjansland, father of Jan Jacobsz., born 1594 Sirjansland, (2) Mattheus, see above
9474. Jacob
9512. Joos (Gorswagter)
9513. Pieter
9536. Andries Cornelisse Kattestaart [Cornelisz.; Cattestaert, Cattestaart], born circa 1535/1540, farmer at De Tille, Den Bommel, dyke master 1584, 1588, sworn one of the polder of Den Bommel 1585-1590, died 16-4-1605 Den Bommel [1604?], buried Ooltgensplaat, married (2) Janna Doens van Cleijborgh, died 1584, betrothed (3) 1-6-1603 Ooltgensplaat, Elisabeth Tonisdr., resided Gastel, married prior to 1600:
9537. NN Jan Cornelisse de Vogel [Cornelisd.]
Issue from this marriage, (1) Jan Andries Cattestaert, see above, (2) Cornelis Andriesz. Cattestaert, see above, (3) NN Cattestaert, married Anthonis Vink
9538. Cornelis Bestman [Bestman Cornelisz.], alderman at Oude Tonge, died 1623
9539. Leuntje Aliaensdr. [Ariaensdr.]
9640. Stoffel (Braber)
9642. Dirk Meeusz.
9652. Erasmus (Tegelman)
9654. Jan
9656. = Marinus Gijsbrechtse van der Daff, born 1553, died 1616
9664. Pieter (de Jonge)
9666. Jacob
9792. Peter Jan Peter Knaep, married 19-7-1605 Oosterhout:
9793. Susanna Andries van der Veken
9794. Stoffel Geerts
9800. Johannes (Struyck)
9802. Petrus / Michiel
10752.? Adriaan Cornelisse Cats, born circa 1535, burgomaster, died circa 1600
10753.? Leentje Jacobse Breijde, died 1579
10754. Huibrecht Leenaardse, burgomaster?
10768. Cornelis (Lodder)
10804. Cornelis Heerschap
10828. Gijsbert Leendertse Ruijghrok [Gijsbrecht, Ghijsbert; Lenaerts, Lenaertsz.; Ruygrock, Ruijchrock], born Dirksland, leased 34 'gemeten' 'volgerland' in Dirksland 1574-1578, married:
10829. Arendje Willemse [Arentje; Willems], died prior to 15-4-1578 Dirksland
10888. Dammas Klaasse (Aleman) [Claesz.; Alemans], born 1515?, neighbour ('buurman') on the Beeklaan in De Sillick in Wijk aan Zee, which is De Zilk, qualified to the hunt by the 'Meesterknapen' of Holland and West-Friesland 20-2-1560, died after 1568, married circa 1550:
11008. Thonis (Komtebedde)
11024. Jan (Moyses)
11032. Jacob Tanis
His children were (1) Jan Jacobsz. Tanis, farmer in the Oudeland, Ouddorp, died between 20-10-1631 and 8-2-1633 Ouddorp, married Neeltje Cornelis, (2) Lenert Jacobsz. Tanis, died after 1631, (3) Adriaan Jacobs Tanis, whose offspring used the name 'Taen', (4) Maarten, see above
11034. Cornelis
11036. Cornelis Lauwe Haertsen
12032. Cornelis (Noorman)
12544. Cornelis (Dircks) ‘t Grein [Greijn], born circa 1540, died circa 9-1579 Heinenoord, married circa 1563:
12545. Lijsbeth Huige [Lijsbet; Huyge]
Issue from this marriage, (1) Huygh, born 1566 (Heinenoord?), see elsewhere, (2) Dirk, see above, (3) Jacob, born 1572, (4) Pleuntje, born 1573, (5) Neeltje, born 1576
12546. Pieter
12704. Hendrik Willemse [Hendrick; Willemsz.], born circa 1550 Barendrecht, district councillor of West-Barendrecht 1598, dyke master of West-Barendrecht and Carnisse 1585-1611, farmer, died 1614, prior to 19-4, less than 64 years old
12706. Aard Hendrikse van Driel [Aert; Hendricksz.], born circa 1520-1525 [estimated], dyke master of Albrandswaard 1571-1596, sheriff of Poortugaal 1580-1596, farmer, district councillor of Albrandswaard 1561, district councillor of Poortugaal 1571, alderman of Poortugaal, died 12-7-1596 Poortugaal, buried Poortugaal, church, with the following text on his tombstone: Hier leyt begraven Aert Hendricxz van Driel in sijn leven dijckgraf en schout van Poortugael omtrent 44 jaaren. Hij sterft den XII julij ao. 1596 and with the following coat of arms: two coats of arms connected with a love cord ('liefdeskoord'), partially sculpted, I: a double eagle ('dubbele adelaar'), being the coat of arms of Van Driel, II: ('in ruit') an inverted climbing fox ('omgekeerde klimmende vos'), being the coat of arms of Doen Beijensz.' family, circa 71 years old, married circa 1558:
12707. Geertruid Adriaanse [Geertruijd; Adriaensdr., Adriaens], born circa 1530 [estimated], died 25-12-1598 Poortugaal, tombstone in the church with the following inscription: Hier ley begraven Geertke Ariens de huisvrou van Aert Hendricks sij sterft den XXV december ao. 1598, with the same coat of arms as her husband used to have, circa 68 years old
12708. Bastiaen Arian Andriesz. Verweel, born circa 1545, alderman of Strijen 1580-1599, died prior to 1604, less than 59 years old, married:
12709. Bijateris Ingens, died 19-7-1603 Strijen, buried church, underneath a tombstone with coat of arms and the following epitaph: Hier leyt begraven de (e)erbare Byateris Ingens weduwe wyle Bastiaen Adryaense. Sterft de 19 ivlivs 1603[1]
Jan Joosten van Strijen, presumably farmer in
Strijen, skipper ('schipper') of Dordrecht 1588, resided in the Willigenbosch
outside Dordrecht 1598, in or near Strijen 1601, bought half a corn mill ('de
halve korenmolen') at Strijen 1602, 'waarsman' of the Land van Essche, de
Uitterdijk and Nieuw-Strijen 1604, 'waarsman' of Oud-Strijen 1610, 1615/1612,
dyke master and 'ingeland' of the Oude Klem 1622, tax gatherer ('gaarder der
verpondingen') over Oud-Strijen 1592, 1601, 1608, over Oud-Bonaventura 1597,
1601, 1608, over the Noord- and Zuid-Kavel of De Broeck 1601, 'gecommitteerde'
at the construction of the Schenkeldijk on the west side of the Nieuwe Haven in
Strijen 1600, bought half of the Wind- and Rosmolen in Strijen from the Domains
24-3-1602, sealed 1610 and 25-6-1613 as alderman of Strijen with a coat
of arms with an eagle ('aanziende staande vogel, wellicht een adelaar, met
gespreide vleugels') enclosed in a griffon, as in the picture, made up his last
will at Strijen 18-5-1630, alderman of Strijen 1613-1625 or 1589-1629,
'buurmeester' 1588-1589 and 1600, holy spirit master, mayor of Strijen 1619,
'molenmeester' of the Oude Land van Strijen 1593, dyke master of the polder
Oude Clem 1618, owner of a 'steenplaats' in Strijen near the sluice in
Nieuw-Bonaventura from 1618 onwards, died between 18-5-1630 and 1631, with a
tombstone in the church in Strijen, married 7-2-1588 Dordrecht:
12711. Jobje Ariese [Jopge; Arijensdr., Ariens], resided 1588 Strijen, died 1626 [prior to 29-2-1628], buried Strijen, with a tombstone in the church, married (1) Peter Joosten [Pieter]
12712. Pieter Woutersz. Teunisz., born circa 1540, died between 18-7-1625 and 2-8-1626,[2] buried IJsselmonde, in the choir of the church, 85 or 86 years old, married (1) circa 1565, NN, died prior to 29-4-1580, married (2) prior to 4-11-1582:
12713. Aefgen Cornelisdr., born circa 1560, died between 18-12-1643 and 10-12-1644 IJsselmonde,[3] 83 or 84 years old, married (1) Anthonis de Geest
12714. Huijg Jacobsz. (van Ouderkerck), possessed land ('gegoed') under Ouderkerk aan den IJssel, farmer on the former farm ('hofstede') of Beijen Doensz., tenant of the homestead ('hofstad') Spangen with land at Poortugaal, resided near the church in Poortugaal, died between 1642 and 27-8-1643, married 14-5-1586 Poortugaal:
12715. Maritge Aertsdr. van Driel, born circa 1569, mentioned as being circa 61 years old on 13-1-1630,[4] died between 1630 and 2-10-1640
12716. Hendrik Ariens Florisz., born circa 1523 Poortugaal [Oud-Rechterlijk Archief Poortugaal, inv. nr. 13 dd. 4-1-1633], tenant of the homestead ('hofstad') Putten, district councillor of the common land ('gemene land') of Poortugaal, from 9-6-1579 to 28-3-1615 pledged with 9,5 'lijn' land in the Stiefmoeder in Poortugaal and from 26-7-1593 respectively 16-6-1600 to 28-3-1615 with respectively 2 'lijn' land and 8 'lijn' 20 'roeden' land in the Rughesant of Pernis, died prior to 28-3-1615, less than 92 years old, married prior to 16-1-1555:
12717. Trijntje Jorisse, died after 19-4-1594
12718. Claes Jansz. Coijer alias De Waert, born circa 1552 IJsselmonde (?), possessed land ('gegoed') in Poortugaal 1616, dyke master of Lockhorst 1610, alderman of Hoogvliet 1605, 1611, sheriff and dyke master of Oud- and Nieuw-Engeland, resided on the Ossij, which is the Hoogvlietse Dijk, died prior to 1623,[5] less than 71 years old, married (1) NN, married (3) 22-11-1609 Poortugaal, Lijntje Pietersdr., widow of Cornelis Willemsz., married (2) circa 1587:
12719. Magdalena Adriaensdr., died prior to 4-11-1609, married (1) prior to 15-5-1583, Leendert NN
12786. Pieter Jansz., married:
12787. Grietje Pieters Vermaat
13088. Leendert Janse [Jansz.], born circa 1530, farmer at Maasdam, sexton 1592, alderman of Maasdam 1598, possessed land in Maasdam 1563 and in the Oost- and West-Zomerlanden 1589, resided in a house with wharf behind the church in Maasdam 1584, mentioned often in Maasdam 1563, died after 1598, married presumably:
13089.? Dingena Jacob Staesse [Digna, Dingetje; Staesdr.]
13090. Paulus
13092. Jacob Cornelisse alias Schouter alias Boerin
[Cornelisz.], born presumably 1545, sheriff and district councillor of Maasdam
1584 (heemraed en schout op Maesdam), died 2-10 Maasdam, presumably of
1613?, had a tombstone in the Dutch Reformed Church at Maasdam, married (1)
circa 1580, Neeltje Andries Hoogwerf, born circa 1555, died prior to 26-2-1598
Maasdam, married (2) circa 1600:
13093. Marieke Wijten [Marike], born presumably 1570 Heinenoord, witness at the baptism of Neeltje Polderman 26-6-1639 Puttershoek, died prior to 28-1-1664, married (2) 29-3-1615, Arien Lenerse Maasdam (Vermaes), widower
13094. Gerlof Michielse [Michiels], beer seller ('bierverkoper') and innkeeper ('tapper')
13095. Maartje Janse Kroef [Maritgen; Jans]
13184. Dirk Koossens van Rij (Wagenmaker) [Dirck; Koosen, Goossens, Gosensz., Cosens; Van Rije], born circa 1548, cartwright ('wagenmaker') Zuidland, died 17-4-1606, married 1573:
13185. Willempje Janse (van Rij?) [Willemtje; Jansensdr., Jansdr.; Van Rije], born circa 1550
Issue from this marriage, (1) Jan, see above, (2) Claes Dircks van Rije (Waghemaker), born circa 1578 Abbenbroek, alderman and cartwright ('wagenmaker') Coorndijk, died 18-1-1628 Coorndijk, married circa 1612, Ariaentge Heijndricx, born circa 1579 Coorndijk, member of the church Zuidland 1638, died 31-3-1652 Coorndijk, daughter of Heijn Jan Pieters, (3) Andries Dircksz., born circa 1600, cartwright ('wagenmaker') Zuidland, resided slinker zijnde Zuidland, member of the church Zuidland 1638, died 1638-1645, married circa 1625, Oetje Daniels [Outgen Danielsdr.], born circa 1605, member of the church Zuidland 1638, died circa 1640, (4) Willempje Dircx, died 22-4-1638 Coorndijk
13186. Jan Domisse [Domisz.]
13187. Aagje Eeuwoutse [Eeuwouts]
13248. Jan Pieters (Barendregt)
13252. Willem Jans Geldershart, married:
13253. Jannetge Thijsse, died prior to 15-6-1640 as a widow
13440. Adriaan van Sint-Maartensdijk [Adriaen; Van St. Martensdijck]
13824. Pieter Willems (Kranendonk), born circa 1500?, mentioned 1542-1557 Oost-IJsselmonde, ancestor of the Cranendonck branch IJsselmonde alias Bootser, whose ancestors used the alliance coat of arms of Hoorne-Altena from the second half of the 16th century onwards, died after 2-6-1557 Oost-IJsselmonde, married (2) NN, out of which marriage (a) Willem Pietersz. Cranendonck, born circa 1540, (b) Huijg Pietersz. Cranendonck, born circa 1545, district councillor of Dirk-Smeetsland, used 1584 the alliance coat of arms of Hoorne-Altena, (6) Cornelis Pieterz. Cranendonck, born circa 1545, chief councillor of Oud- en Nieuw-Reijerwaard, married (1):
13825. NN
Issue from this marriage: (1) Gerrit Pietersz. Cranendonck alias Boetser, born circa 1530, sheriff of the Westambacht, died between 31-4-1575 and 5-8-1575, presumably West-IJsselmonde, (2) Pieter, see above, (3?) Niesje
13872. mr. Jacob Herweijer [Jacope; Herweyers, Herwyer], born circa 1510 Antwerp, Belgium, procurator ('procureur') for the Court of Holland, later 'pensionaris' of the Court of Holland, resided The Hague, prior to 1543 in the Padmoes, near the present Sint-Jacobsstraat, on 4 plots ('percelen') with house, gardens, and orchard, 2-1-1542 was mentioned a huys van Jacob Herweyers as neighbouring to the south of a house in the Veenestraat, owner of a camerken in the Sint-Pieter or Gortsteegje nearby, resided 1553-1561 in the Achterom, mentioned 1561 as owner and inhabitant of a house at the Zuidzijde Lang Achterom 'halverwege', and in 1553 again mentioned as the owner of a house at the Achteromme aan de Zuytsyde, moved after that back to the Padmoes presumably, mentioned 3-10-1548 in the 'Derde Schuldboek' of Rotterdam[6] as follows: Colijn Cornelisz. Cornelis Dircxz. Arien Jansz. Cleyn, Arien Arysz., Gerijt Jansz., Willem Vranckez. Vos, Pieter Jacobsz., Arien Jansz. machtigen samen Jacob Herwyer procureur en zij ratificeren de procuratie die Pieter Dircxz. Huysman, David Euwoutsz. en Colijn Cornelisz. gepasseerd hebben en ratificeren alles dat uit krachte van deze procuratie door Jacob Herweyer gedaan zal worden, mentioned 1534 when his mother transferred to him a hereditary interest of 6 pounds,[7] received a hereditary interest from his mother at Easter Eve 1535, was empowered ('gemachtigd') by the prelate of Egmont 27-6-1540, participated 1555 in the construction of the summer dyke from the dyke of Schuddebeurs to Nieuw-Beijerland, which is now the Spuidijk, maintained good connections with Lamoraal, count of Egmond, mentioned 19-3-1559 Zevenbergen: Jan de Drivere voor Johanna Hazen, vrouwe, en convent van Muizen buiten Mechelen bij overdracht door Jacob Herweijer, procureur postulant bij het Hof van Holland, voor Mr. Hendrik Boudijnsz.,[8] died between 1569 and 1571 The Hague, betrothed 7-9-1538 Delft:
13873. Klaasje Pieter Cornelisse [Claesje, Claesgen; Cornelisdr.], born prior to 17-12-1520, inherited from Alitgen, widow of Nicolaes de Milde, so that she must have been affiliated with this family, 17-12-1520 her father instituted a 'lijfrente' on her name in Delft, as mentioned in a 'thesauriersrekening', resided 1554 in den Hage as Jacob Herweyers huisvrouw,[9] died 21-11-1580 Delft[10]
Issue from this marriage, (1) mr. Pieter [Peter], born circa 1539 's-Gravenhage, secretary of the 'Rekenkamer' 1565, auditor ('auditeur') of the Court of Holland, 'commissaris' of his Royal Majesty at Hoorn, received feudal land in Charlois from his father 1563, buried 1-6-1758 The Hague, Sint-Jacobskerk, married Clara van Couwenhoven, buried 1618 's-Gravenhage?, (2) Jan, born circa 1550, presumably ‘s-Gravenhage, resided 1579 Spijkenisse, died circa 1581, married Dieuwertje Willemsdochter van den Einde, (3) Gillis, see above, (4) Jacob, born circa 1553 (?) 's-Gravenhage, 'biersteker' in Overschie 1577, had two children in Oud-Beijerland, died prior to 26-6-1613, (5) Lijsbeth, born 's-Gravenhage, died presumably Oud-Beijerland, married Jan Claeszoon de Veth, died after 1608
13874. Jan
14214. Jan Dircks Vrij, dyke master of Piershil, died prior to 1630, married:
14215. Trijntje Jans, married (2) Heijndrick Heijndricksz.
Issue from this marriage, (1) Maartie Jans, married (a) Arij Cruijnen Verniel, married (b) circa 1632, Leendert Engels de Voocht, district councillor of Oudenhoorn, (2) Dirck Janse Verij (sic!), district councillor of Piershil 1652, 1653, 1656-1658, 1660, 1661, (3) Jannetje, see above
14220. = 9536 [Andries Cornelisz. Cattestaert]
14221. = 9537 [NN Jan Cornelisdr. de Vogel]
14222. Leendert Jacobs Wittens, married:
14223. Neeltje Cornelis
14224. Mr. Franck Lenerts, schoolmaster or surgeon ('chirurgijn') at Zuidland, died prior to 11-4-1606, married prior to 27-8-1595:
14225. Neeltien Pietersdr., died after 11-4-1606
14232. Lucas
14234. Cornelis
14236. Pouwels Adriaens van Dijck, born circa 1568, buried 10-11-1630 Naaldwijk, married 7-8-1588 De Lier:
14237. Jannetje Jans Touw van der Burch, born circa 1565, buried 3-10-1638 Naaldwijk
14238. Jacob Passchiers, miller on the templar mill ('de tempelse molen'), resided Vlaardingerambacht, married:
14239. Trijntje Cornelis Ketelaer
14656. Adriaan [Adriaen]
14720. Cornelis (Tuynder)
14721. Lijntje Simonse [Sijmons]
14722. Huibert
14752. Cornelis Janse Dorst (Jonge) [Jans; De Jonge], born circa 1560, mentioned in Maasdam presumably 1584, died after 1595 Maasdam (?)
14754. Cornelis
14762. Staes Jacobsz., born circa 1550, 'minderjarig' 1563, 'heemraad' of Maasdam 1581, 1584, owned land and leased Oost-Zomerland 1583, paid an interest 1621, was present at the termination of the church accounts in Maasdam 1608-1614, died after 1621, married:
14763. Anna Jans, died prior to 1616
14784. = 12544
14785. = 12545
14928. Jan Cornelis Eelands, married:
14929. Nelle Adriaensz.
14930. Jacob Tonisz., married:
14931. NN
15040. Anthonis (van Bochove)
15072. Pieter van Biesbrouc, married:
15073. Joanna van de Berghe
15140. Maerten Adriaenssen Cluyffhooft, married:
15141. Bastiaenken NN
15142. Hendrik Andriesen Munter, born Charlois, died Colijnsplaat, married:
15143. Lijn(tie) Flooren, died Charlois
15152. Coole Fransen, born Tholen
15162. Bastiaen Witte, born Charlois, married:
15163. Lienke Leenderts
15164. Coenraedt Jordaensz. van Meerenburgh, born Strijen, died 17-11-1630 Colijnsplaat, buried 18-11-1630 Colijnsplaat, married:
15165. Ingeltje Huybechtsdr. [Engeltje]
15166. Balten Arentsz. van den Broecke, died 2-1-1620 Colijnsplaat, married:
15167. Antonia Willemsdr. Cock, born Zierikzee, died 22-5-1644 Colijnsplaat, buried 22-5-1644 Colijnsplaat
15224. Cornelis Tonisz., married:
15225. NN
15226. Geert Leners, married:
15227. Reiken Geerts
15230. Jan Jonkswager, married:
15231. Leunken NN
15238. Bastiaen Adriaensz. van der Jacht, married:
15239. Aelbertje Pieters
15252. Pieter Adriaens (van der Leer), married:
15253. Neeltje Pieters Dammis
15254. Lenaert Foppen van Driel, born Ridderkerk, married:
15255. Marijcken Cornelisdr., born Rijsoord
15256. Cornelis Adriaen Hubertsz. alias Truyen
15258. Cornelis Hendricks Schipper de Oude, married:
15259. Adriaentje Jans
15272. Aert Aertsz. (Kalis), died 27-10-1622 Ridderkerk, buried Ridderkerk, married:
15273. Aegje Adriaensz. [Ichtijen]
15274. Arijen Pauwels Cranendonck, born Ridderkerk, died 29-9-1646 Ridderkerk, married:
15275. Arijaantje Cornelis Lodewijckse, born Sandelingenambacht
15276. Cornelis Mattheus Velthoen [Teeuws], married:
15277. Joostgen Bastiaens
15278. Eldert Jansz., married:
15279. Leentge Barents
15280. Goossen Ariens, born Ridderkerk, married:
15281. Lijntge Gerritsdr., born Ridderkerk
15284. Cornelis Hermans, married:
15285. Maritgen Jansdr.
15288. Adriaen Pleunen, born Rijsoord
15316. Bastiaen Jansz., died 20-11-1623 Maasdam, married:
15317. Jaepje Claesdr. van der Haven
15324. Maarten Crijn de Vogelaar, married:
15325. NN
15326. Cornelis Cornelisse Luchtenburch, married:
15327. NN
15348. Mattheus Cornelis (Velthoen), born Ridderkerk, married:
15349. Aryaentje Tonisdr.
15744. Adriaan Janse Duimelaar [Adriaen; Jansz., Jan; Duijmelaar], leased land in Strijen 1571-1581, leased land in gardentalen of Westmaas-Nieuwland prior to 1574
His children were (1) Cornelis, see above, (2) Jan Ariens Duymelaar, repaired broken dikes ('zeebraken') Strijen et cetera 1583-1588
16064. Adriaan (Lopiker) or Pieter (Lopiker) ?
16066. Pieter or Arie ?
16352. Jan (François) (van Bodegem) [Johan; Franchois, Francois, Frans; Van Buedigem, Van Bodegom], born Thursday 4-5-1514 Delft, dyke master of Delfland 1556, bailiff of Delfland 1556-1559, treasurer of Arkel, Putten en Strijen 1557, king's counselor ('Raedt des Conincx') 1560, chief-treasurer of Zuid-Holland 1557-1562, was treasurer in 1558, when the people of Geervliet offered him a fat duck for a present, presumably to win his favour, as they were trying to obtain funds from the County for reparation of the Spui, 'bewaarder van de Minderbroeders' at Delft 1567-1572, possessed many feudal lands, among which a part of the real estate that formerly belonged to Willem Goudt, had several houses in Delft and The Hague, probably chose for the Spanish side, because of which he lost his functions and influence after 1572, was fugitive 22-10-1575, after which his house at the Marktveld at Delft was sold by the 'Staten van Holland', appeared in 1556 at the 'overgifte' of his brother Willem, appeared 25-6-1580 in front of the Court of Holland (' Hof van Holland'), was 14-11-1580 involved in a process against Jochum Jans from Delft, paid off interest in 1563 on the house of Eelgis Heynrichsz. at Delft, possessed 1561-1570 two huysen at the Kneuterdijk in The Hague, received 23-4-1550 half of a number of feudal properties from Maria Gerritsdr., widow of Willem Goudt, leased out 30-6-1570 10 'gemeten', 1 'lijn', 69 'roeden' land in the Nieuwe Uytslagh of Putten to Arent Joostensz. at Hekelingen for 13 years for 133 lb. and 10 'schelling' 'groot Vlaams' annually, was pledged 1545 with the land of the Korendijk and half of the tithes of Spijkenisse, died Tuesday 14-11-1581 [non 1582], buried Saturday 18-11-1581 Delft, Oude Kerk, married after 24-1-1541:
16353. Maria Dircks Godscalendr. [Margaretha, Grietje; Dirck; Godschalks], born circa 1515, died prior to 12-7-1580
Issue from this marriage, (1) François van Bodegom, see above, (2) Jan van Bodegem (Jans) (Joncker) [Johan], possessed or leased land near Geervliet and Schiedam, acted after 1605 as tutor over the children of his brother Franchoys, (3) Willem, born 17-10-1551, died 2-7-1559, 7 years old, (4) Willem, died 29-11-1584, 28 years old, (5) Maria, died 1598, buried 29-4-1598, Sint-Jacobskerk ‘s-Gravenhage, married Willem Hanneman, chief-treasurer of Noord-Holland, (6) Dirk, born 17-4-1549, (7) Dirck, died 27-2-1547, (8) Corstiaen, died 14-7-1550
16356. Job
16368. Jacob Tonisse [Tonisz.], tenant of Heenvliet, died 1597/1599, married (2) Neeltge Dircx, married (1):
16369. NN
16370. Jacob Lauwen, salesman ('kramer'), died 20/22-2-1612 Spijkenisse
16371. Lijsje Gerritse [Lijsken; Gerrits], died 18-3-1631 Spijkenisse
16372. Cool Oolents
16373. Hendrikje Tonis
16374. Govert Janse [Jans], 'kuiper' at Geervliet, died prior to 10-6-1606
16375. Grietje Cornelisse [Grietge; Cornelis], died after 10-6-1606
[1] Ons Voorgeslacht, 1986: 782
[2] GAR. Arch. Nederlands Hervormde Gemeente IJsselmonde, inv. nr. 168
[3] GAR. Archief Nederlands Hervormde Gemeente IJsselmonde, inv. nr. 168
[4] Oud-Rechterlijk Archief Poortugaal, inv. nr. 13
[5] Ons Voorgeslacht, 1992: 263
[6] Ons Voorgeslacht 1995: 83; Archiefboek der Schepenen 768 (761)
[7] Schepenregisters van Antwerpen, inv. nr. 185 fol. 510f.
[8] Repertorium op de Grafelijke Lenen in Zuid-Holland, LRK 128c Zuid-Holland, fol. 85f., Ons Voorgeslacht, 1998: 38
[9] Thesauriersrekening 1554
[10] Thesaurrierrekening Delft from 1580, f. 57f.