ancestry of Marinus Anthony van der Sluijs
last updated October 2010
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commoners' files:
generations 1-7 (born circa 1750 to present)
generation 8 (born circa 1720 to 1750)
generation 9 (born circa 1690 to 1720)
generation 10 (born circa 1660 to 1690)
generation 11 (born circa 1630 to 1660)
generation 12 (born circa 1600 to 1630)
generation 13 (born circa 1570 to 1600)
generation 14 (born circa 1540 to 1570)
generations 15-28 (born prior to circa 1540)
nobility files:
• |
the ancestors of Herbaren Jansz. van Arkel alias Slingeland (-1326) |
Dutch nobility |
• |
Dutch nobility |
• |
(Dutch) lords of Naaldwijk and Voorne |
• |
the ancestors of William III of Avesnes, count of Holland and Hainault (1286-1337) |
medieval European nobility (suspended) |
The posting of the pedigrees of William III of Avesnes has been suspended due to the increasing unreliability of the source material the further one goes back in time, as documented descent shades into tradition, tradition into legend, and legend into mythology. While the uncritical use of non-scholarly sources on the Internet is not recommended, the historical method would require a lifetime of dedicated effort. This stance is not defeatist, but simply means to encourage the perusal of proper historical studies rather than the websites of happy copycats. |
In this list the ancestors are numbered according to the common system. If x is someone's unique personal number and y the number of the generation, counting backwards in time, the following relation is defined: y = INT (2log x) + 1. You can infer from this formula that the first person in a new generation is always numbered y = 2y-1, whilst you can easily calculate someone's father by taking 2x, his mother by taking 2x + 1, and his or her child by taking INT (x/2).
For every person are given the full standard name with optional names between brackets (), spelling variations on those names between square brackets [], birth and christening data and place, professions, vocations, activities, residences, other matters of interest, decease and burial data, and marriages. All dates are given in Dutch style: 3-4-1976 means 3rd April 1976 and not 4th March 1976. Where two dates are given for birth or decease, separated by a slash /, the former is the actual date and the latter is the date of report at the municipality. All names of localities are in Holland, except when stated otherwise.
Colours are used to mark some features. In the 'commoners' files blue names are surnames other than patronymics, and in the nobility files blue names refer to the dominions over which the persons in case held sway. If any doubt exists about the correct lineage of an ancestor, I have coloured his or her data as well as that of all his or her ancestors red. Other colours than these denote alternative genealogies, in case more than one ancestor is given. Every line of descent in such an alternative genealogy receives a different colour.
translation and orthography
The following translations have been applied for the commonest genealogical terms:
Dutch geboren, English born
Dutch gedoopt, English christened
Dutch verloofd, ondertrouwd, English betrothed
Dutch getrouwd, English married
Dutch graaf, English count
Dutch hertog, English duke
Dutch markies, English marquess
Dutch burggraaf, English viscount
Dutch regent, English regent
Dutch ruwaard, English steward
Dutch jongeman, jonkman, English bachelor
Dutch jongedochter, maagd, jonkvrouw, English spinster
Dutch gestorven, overleden, English died
Dutch begraven, English, buried
Dutch getuige, English witness
Dutch ouderling, English elder
Dutch diaken, English deacon
Dutch kerkmeester, koster, English sexton
Dutch schepen, English alderman
Dutch schout, English sheriff
Dutch tresorier, schatmeester, rentmeester, penningmeester, English treasurer
Dutch rentmeester-generaal, English chief-treasurer
Dutch armenmeester, English overseer of the poor
Dutch weesmeester, English orphan master
Dutch burgemeester, English burgomaster
Dutch leenman van de koning of adel, English tenant-in-chief
Dutch leenman, English tenant
Dutch predikant, preekheer English pastor
Dutch voogd (1), English superintendent
Dutch voogd (2), English lord
Dutch heer, English lord
Dutch testament, English last will
Dutch baljuw, English bailiff
Dutch raad, English counselor
Duch heemraad, English district councillor
Dutch hoogheemraad, English chief councillor
Dutch gezworene, English sworn one
Dutch gasthuis, English hospital
Dutch secretaris, klerk, English secretary
Dutch gasthuismeester, English hospital master
Dutch helige geestmeester, English holy spirit master
Dutch stadhouder, stedehouder, English mayor
Dutch dijkgraaf, English dyke master
Dutch poorter, English citizen
Dutch heerlijkheid, English lordly domain
Dutch landpoorter, English peasant
Dutch beleend met, English pledged with
Dutch pachten, English lease
Dutch tienden, tiende penning, English tithes
Dutch ridder, English knight
Dutch pond, English pound
Dutch boer, bouwman, landbouwer, landman, English farmer
Dutch bouwknecht, English farmer's help
Dutch bouwvrouw, English farmer's wife
Dutch arbeider, werkman, werksman, arbeidster, English labourer
Dutch zonder beroep, particulier, particuliere, English unemployed.
Less common Dutch words that are interesting to retain in the text have been added between brackets.
In the nobility files it became necessary to resort to a universal set of standardised names in order to prevent having to sum up the same alternative versions of names ad nauseam. I have decided to take the expanded English forms of these names as the standards:
standard (English) |
Dutch |
German |
French |
others |
Adelaide |
Adelheid |
Adelheid |
Adélaide, Adélaïde, Adèle, Elvide, Alix, Aelis, Aélis |
Adela, Othelhildis (old-Franconian) |
Albert |
Albrecht |
Albrecht |
Albert |
Baldwin |
Boudewijn |
Baldwin |
Baudoin |
Charles |
Karel |
Karl |
Charles |
Carolus (Latin) |
Conrad |
Koenraad |
Konrad |
Geoffrey |
Godfried, Govert |
Gottfried |
Geoffrey |
Galfridus (Latin) |
Gerald |
Gerard, Gerrit |
Gerhard |
Gérard |
Giraldus (Latin) |
Gertrude |
Geertrui, Geertruide |
Guy |
Gwijde |
Henry |
Hendrik |
Heinrich |
Henri |
Henricus (Latin) |
Hugues |
Hugo |
Hugo |
Hugues |
Hugh (English) |
James |
Jacobus |
Jakobus |
Jacques |
John |
Johannes |
Johann |
Jean, Jehan |
Louis |
Lodewijk |
Ludwig |
Louis |
Mary |
Maria |
Maria |
Marie |
Matthew |
Matthaeus |
Matthäus |
Mathieu |
Nicholas |
Nicolaas |
Nicolas |
Peter |
Pieter |
Peter |
Pierre |
Petrus (Latin) |
Raynold |
Reinoud, Reinold |
Reinalt |
Robert |
Robrecht, Robert |
Ruprecht, Rupert |
Robert |
Theobald |
Diebold, Diebout |
Diepold |
Thibaut |
Thierry |
Diederik, Dirk |
Dietrich |
Thierry |
Theodericus (Latin) |
Walter |
Wouter |
Walter |
Gauthier |
William |
Willem, Wilhelm |
Wilhelm |
Guillaume |
own research
• records of baptism, marriage and decease
• 'Burgerlijke Stand'
• private communication
• epitaphs
• newspaper annonces
• Aleman: De Nederlandsche Leeuw, 1939: 423; ; H. H. W. van Eijk, ‘Hollandse Breedveld’s; afkomstig uit het ridderlijke Hollandse bastaard-geslacht Alemans?’, Gens Nostra, 7/8 (1961), 169-182;
• Arkel, Van: dr. M. J. Waale, 'Nogmaals een bijdrage tot de genealogie van het middeleeuwse adellijke geslacht Van Arkel', De Nederlandsche Leeuw, 117 (2000) 4-33
• Bakker:
• Bekol: Ons Voorgeslacht, 1975: 311
• Berrevoets: Zeeuws Kwartierstatenboek I (?)
• Bodegom, Van: 1968;
• Bravenboer: De Nederlandsche Leeuw 1988 (6)
• Brooshoofd: Zeeuws Kwartierstatenboek IV, 1990
• Casteleijn: Zeeuws Kwartierstatenboek IV, 1990
• Daff, Van der: Zeeuws Kwartierstatenboek IV, 1990
• Emaus:;
• Heerschap: Zeeuws Kwartierstatenboek IV, 1990
• Herweijer: dr. ir. W. A. Herweijer, Vijfhonderd jaren Herweijer, Puttershoek, 1985; J. J. Herweijer, Zevenhonderd jaren Herweijer;
• lords of Heusden:
• Houten, Van den: Zeeuws Kwartierstatenboek IV, 1990
• Kats: Zeeuws Kwartierstatenboek IV, 1990; De NederlandscheLeeuw, 1919; De Navorscher, 1859; Fam. Bl. 1889, 1894: 139; Gens Nostra 1988: 262ff.; P. D. de Vos, De vroedschap van Zierikzee, Middelburg, 1931
• P. A. A. Klok, De Geschiedenis van de Firma Johannes Ochtman (1816-1947) op de Appelmarkt D360/361 in Zierikzee (Rosmalen, 2004)
• Kranendonk: ir. C. Sigmund & K. J. Slijkerman, De geslachten Cranendonck in Holland; ca. 1400-1700, Rotterdam, 1992; Ons Voorgeslacht 1955; De Nederlandsche Leeuw, 1989: 82ff.
• Lodder: Zeeuws Kwartierstatenboek IV, 1990;
• Melissant: Zeeuws Kwartierstatenboek IV, 1990
• Noorman: Zeeuws Kwartierstatenboek, IV, 1981-1990: 843; A. J. Witte & G. C. Bek, Zeeuwse kwartierstaten, 1992/1994, XVI: 1533; Gens Nostra 1988; Ons Voorgeslacht 1987; J. J. Vervloet, De parenteel van Doen Beijensz. (van Driel), 1989: 1250
• Pernambucq, Van:
• Roon, Van:; C. Hoek, 'De oudste heren van Rhoon', De Nederlandsche Leeuw, 1969: 261-273; idem, 'Repertorium op de lenen van de hofstede Arckel', leen 36, Ons Voorgeslacht, 1976: 284; ir. F. Kwekel, 'Kwartierstaat Kwekel', Kwartierstatenboek Prometheus, II, second edition, 1992: 181ff.
• Ruijghrok: Zeeuws Kwartierstatenboek IV, 1990; Ons Voorgeslacht, 1987
• Sandiforth:;
• Slingeland, Van: ir. C. Sigmond, 'De geslachten Van Slingeland(t) in Dordrecht en het baljuwschap Zuid-Holland in de 14de en 15de eeuw', De Nederlandsche Leeuw, 118 (2001) 521-580
• Struyck: Zeeuws Kwartierstatenboek, I?
• Swardam:
• Tanis:
Zwarte, De: Zeeuws Kwartierstatenboek, IV, 1990