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peer-reviewed publications
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'The Tortuous Discovery of the Gegenschein, False Zodiacal Light & Zodiacal Band - Brorsen vs Jones', Journal of the British Astronomical Association, 134. 1 (February 2024), 55-57  
M. A. van der Sluijs & H. Hayakawa, 'A Candidate Auroral Report in the Bamboo Annals, Indicating a Possible Extreme Space Weather Event in the Early 10th Century BCE', Advances in Space Research, 72. 12 (15 December 2023), 5767-5776  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Ancient Reports of the Zodiacal Light as Viewed from Mountain Tops', The Observatory, 143. 1293 (April 2023), 57-63  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Corona Discharges on von Reichenbach's Terrellae?', Journal of Scientific Exploration, 36. 2 (2022), 298-304  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Concepts of Sun and Earth in the Ancient World', a review of T. Bilic, The Land of the Solstices. Myth, Geography and Astronomy in Ancient Greece ('BAR International Series', 3039; Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2021), The Classical Review, 72. 1 (2021), 297-300 (submitted manuscript version here)  
M. van der Sluijs, 'Earliest References to the Astronomical World Axis', Ancient Philosophy, 41. 2 (2021), 267-290  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'The Ins and Outs of Gilgameš's Passage through Darkness', Talanta; Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society, 52 (2020), 7-36  

M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Joshua's Celestial Miracle Was not an Eclipse: The Long and the Short', Culture and Cosmos; A Journal of the History of Astrology and Cultural Astronomy, 23. 1 (2019), 21-69

NOTE: In this article I oppose the proposal by Humphreys & Waddington that the Biblical miracle of Joshua's halting the sun and moon involved an annular eclipse. An earlier version was rejected for publication in the journal Vetus Testamentum on 12 July 2018 on the curious ground that Humphreys & Waddington's suggestion had not reached the wider public and is so obviously wrong that most readers would not need a detailed refutation of it. Imagine my surprise, then, upon learning that this same journal on 17 January 2020 accepted an article in defence of the eclipse scenario. The editor who was in charge of reviewing my submission at the time clarified that this latter article had been reviewed by a different editor. While I am not accusing anyone of malfaisance in this matter, it does highlight the randomness of peer review or bias of the journal as a whole and the need to repudiate the eclipse interpretation. Meanwhile, I congratulate the authors of the rival article with their publication and welcome the discussion.

P. James & M. A. van der Sluijs, 'The Fall of Phaethon in Context: A New Synthesis of Mythological, Archaeological and Geological Evidence', Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions, 16. 1 (2016), 67-94  
P. James & M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Revisiting the Colour of Saturn as Perceived in Antiquity', The Observatory, 134. 1241 (August 2014), 210-212  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'A Common Miscitation of William Gilbert', Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 95. 16 (22 April 2014), 137  
M. A. van der Sluijs & P. James, 'Saturn as the 'Sun of Night' in Ancient Near Eastern Tradition', Aula Orientalis, 31. 2 (2013), 279-321  
M. A. van der Sluijs & R. J. Johnson, 'Geometry of an Intense Auroral Column as Recorded in Rock Art', Journal of Scientific Exploration, 27. 2 (2013), 227-246  

P. James & M. A. van der Sluijs, ''Silver': A Hurrian Phaethon', Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions, 12. 2 (2012), 237-251


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Closing Gaps in Traditional Sky Lore', Perspectives on Science, 20. 1 (2012), 1-43


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'The Wish-Granting Jewel: Exploring the Buddhist Origins of the Holy Grail', Viator; Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 42. 2 (2011), 1-48

M. A. van der Sluijs & A. L. Peratt, 'Astronomical Petroglyphs - Searching for Rock Art Evidence for an Ancient Super Aurora', Expedition, 52. 2 (2010), 33-42  

P. James & M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Saturn's Phoebe Ring and Ancient Babylonian Observations', The Observatory, 130. 1215 (April 2010), 89-91


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'The Dragon of the Eclipses - A Note', Culture and Cosmos; A Journal of the History of Astrology and Cultural Astronomy, 13. 1 (2009), 63-75


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Who Are the 'Attendants of Helios'?', Journal of the American Oriental Society, 129. 2 (2009), 169-177


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Three Ancient Reports of Near-Death Experiences: Bremmer Revisited', Journal of Near-Death Studies, 27. 4 (2009), 223-253


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Hll: Lord of the Sickle', Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 68. 4 (2009), 269-281


M. A. van der Sluijs & A. L. Peratt, 'The Ourobóros as an Auroral Phenomenon', Journal of Folklore Research, 46. 1 (2009), 3-41


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Multiple Morning Stars in Oral Cosmological Traditions', Numen; International Review for the History of Religions, 56. 4 (2009), 459-476


M. A. van der Sluijs, review of L. Piccardi & W. B. Masse (eds.), Myth and Geology ('Geological Society Special Publications', 273; London: The Geological Society, 2007), Myth & Symbol, 5. 2 (2009), 58-74


P. James & M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Ziggurats, Colors, and Planets: Rawlinson Revisited', Journal of Cuneiform Studies, 60 (2008), 57-79


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'On the Wings of Love', Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions, 8. 2 (2008), 219-251


A. L. Peratt, J. McGovern, A. H. Qöyawayma, M. A. van der Sluijs & M. G. Peratt, 'Characteristics for the Occurrence of a High-Current Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity Part II: Directionality and Source', IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 35. 4 (2007), 778-807

A. L. Peratt, M. A. van der Sluijs, J. McGovern & P. Bustamante, 'Virtual Image Reconstruction of an Intense Z-Pinch Aurora at Earth's Southern Axis from Archaic Petroglyphs' (conference record, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pulsed Power and Plasma Science; Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2007), 623  

A. L. Peratt, M. A. van der Sluijs, J. McGovern & P. Bustamante, 'Reconstruction of an Intense Auroral Z-Pinch from Instabilities Recorded in Antiquity', Bulletin of the American Physical Society; 48th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2006), GP1.00132


M. A. van der Sluijs & A. L. Peratt, 'Intense Prehistoric Auroral Z-Pinch Recordings: Surveys of South Korean and Thailand Petroglyphs' (conference record, Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science; Traverse City, Michigan, 2006), 340


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Phaethon and the Great Year', Apeiron; A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science, 39. 1 (2006), 57-90


A. L. Peratt, M. A. van der Sluijs & D. A. Scott, 'Evidence of an Influx of Interstellar Plasma from Archaic Z-Pinch Recordings', Bulletin of the American Physical Society (Tampa, Florida, 2005), L1.030


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'A Possible Babylonian Precursor to the Theory of Ecpyrōsis', Culture and Cosmos; A Journal of the History of Astrology and Cultural Astronomy, 9. 2 (2005), 1-19


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'The World Axis as an Atmospheric Phenomenon', Cosmos; The Journal of the Traditional Cosmology Society, 21. 1 (2005), 3-52


A. L. Peratt, D. A. Scott & M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Orientation of Intense Z-Pinch Instabilities from an Intense Aurora as Recorded in Prehistory', Bulletin of the American Physical Society; 46th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics (Savannah, Georgia, 2004)

other publications

M. A. van der Sluijs, 'An Ancient Venus Portent: Comet or Mirage?', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review (2024: 1), 25-36

erratulum: The quote in note 2 comes from Augustine himself, not from Varro. In note 3, the reference to Varro apud Augustine is correct.

M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Joining Kekulé's Dots', unpublished (2023)  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Age-Old Questions', a letter in Fortean Times; The World of Strange Phenomena, 428 (February 2023), 64-65 (a 139-year old Panamanian woman?)  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'When the Aurora Went Global', Nexus; The Alternative News Magazine, 29. 2 (February-March 2022), 63-69 (Australian edition) = Nexus; New Times Magazine, 29. 2 (March-April 2022), 61-67 (North American edition)  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'The Sign of Hezekiah: Retracing the Steps', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review (2021: 3), 19-38  
M. A. van der Sluijs, On the Origin of Myths in Catastrophic Experience, vol. 2: The Earth's Aurora (Vancouver: All-Round Publications, 2021), ISBN 978-1-9994383-3-3  

M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Trials on the Trails of Typhon and the Exodus; Part 2', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review (2020: 3), 24-40

Regrettably, many endnotes have been affected by the same editorial glitch as in part 1 (below).


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Trials on the Trails of Typhon and the Exodus; Part 1', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review (2020: 2), 3-22

In the process of editing, the formatting of the first 19 endnotes was unfortunately messed up: italic text was deitalicised and superscript numbers indicating edition numbers were printed as normal numbers.

M. A. van der Sluijs, On the Origin of Myths in Catastrophic Experience, vol. 1: Preliminaries (Vancouver: All-Round Publications, 2019), ISBN 978-1-9994383-2-6  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Homer's Árktos - 'Bearly' Polar', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review (2019: 1), 53-56  
M. A. van der Sluijs, Traditional Cosmology; The Global Mythology of Cosmic Creation and Destruction (Vancouver: All-Round Publications, 2018), in 6 volumes:
5: Solar and Lunar Anomalies, ISBN paperback 9781999438302
6: Miscellaneous Themes, ISBN paperback 9781999438319
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Nieuwe Stroming in Bijna-Dood-Studies?', Frontier Magazine, 23. 3 (2017), 32-38 (Dutch)  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'In Memoriam. Han Kloosterman - A Romantic Catastrophist (1931-2016), SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review (2017: 1), 3-4  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'A Geomagnetic Approach to Traditions of Axes Mundi; Parts III and IV', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review (2017: 1), 4-18  
M. A. van der Sluijs, obituary for Han Kloosterman, Fortean Times; The World of Strange Phenomena, 351 (March 2017), 23-25 (original, unedited text)  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'A Geomagnetic Approach to Traditions of Axes Mundi; Part II', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review (2016: 3), 12-23  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'A Geomagnetic Approach to Traditions of Axes Mundi; Part I', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review (2016: 2), 13-27  
R. J. Johnson & M. A. van der Sluijs, 'A Note on Plasmoids on the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Winston H. Bostick', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review (2016: 2), 43-46  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'The Usselo Layer, the Global Conflagration and the Vanishing Act', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review (2015: 3), 3-9, a translation of H. Kloosterman, 'De Laag van Usselo, de Wereldbrand en de Verdwijntruc', Bres; Onafhankelijk Tijdschrift over Keerpunten in Mens en Cultuur, 201 (April-May 2000), 63-74  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'I Sing the Mind Electric', Fortean Times; The World of Strange Phenomena, 323 (January 2015), 40-43  

M. A. van der Sluijs, 'A Response to Cardona's Objections', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review (2013), 51-56


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'The Ouroboros and the Aurora', in W. Welling (ed.), Dangerous and Divine; the Secret of the Serpent (Amsterdam: KIT Publishers, 2012), 148-153 = M. A. van der Sluijs, 'De Ouroboros en de Aurora', in W. Welling (ed.), Goddelijk en Griezelig; Het Geheim van de Slang (Amsterdam: KIT Publishers, 2012), 148-153 (Dutch)


M. A. van der Sluijs, obituary for Richard Stothers, Fortean Times; The World of Strange Phenomena, 285 (2012), 26


M. A. van der Sluijs, Traditional Cosmology; The Global Mythology of Cosmic Creation and Destruction (London: All-Round Publications, 2011), in 6 volumes:
1: Preliminaries; Formation, ISBN hardback 9780955665578, paperback 9780955665530
2: Functions, ISBN hardback 9780955665585, paperback 9780955665547
3: Differentiation, ISBN hardback 9780955665592, paperback 9780955665554
4: Disintegration, ISBN hardback 9780957061101, paperback 9780955665561


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Capron and the Crop Circles', Fortean Times; The World of Strange Phenomena, 275 (May 2011), 50-51


M. A. van der Sluijs & S. H. Jo, All about London 런던이야기 (Seoul, South Korea: Nexus, 2010; ISBN 978-89-6000-884-7 13740)


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Johann Radlof: The Father of Planetary Catastrophism', in I. Tresman (ed.), Quantavolution: Challenges to Conventional Science; Dedicated to Alfred de Grazia on his 90th Birthday (Dec 29, 2009) (Sandbach, United Kingdom: Knowledge Computing, 2010), 337-348


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'The Palpa Lines, Peru', Fortean Times; The World of Strange Phenomena, 263 (2010), 74-76


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Rotsvast Bewijs voor een Prehistorisch Poollicht', Frontier; Grensverleggend Magazine, 14. 5 (2008), 64-69 (Dutch)


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Ancient Traditions: What Can they Tell us about the History of the Earth?', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review, 'Proceedings of the SIS Cambridge Conference, FitzWilliam College 31st August - 2nd September 2007' (2008), 56-67


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Korea's Prehistoric Past', The East Asian Monthly Business Newspaper, 9 (2008), 24-25


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Konglish: Tips from the Author of '111 Antidotes to Konglish'', The East Asian Monthly Business Newspaper, 7 (2008), 24


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Konglish: Tips from the Author of '111 Antidotes to Konglish'', The East Asian Monthly Business Newspaper, 6 (2008), 18


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Peopling the Mythical Landscape', Wellness Times; Alternative Journal of Body, Mind & Spirit, 4. 3 (2008), 3-4


M. A. van der Sluijs, 111 Antidotes to Konglish (London: All-Round Publications, 2008), ISBN 978-0-9556655-2-3


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Rock's Greatest Lightshow', Fortean Times; The World of Strange Phenomena, 233 (2008), 56-57


M. A. van der Sluijs, The World Axis as an Atmospheric Phenomenon (London: All-Round Publications, 2007), ISBN 978-0-9556655-1-6


M. A. van der Sluijs, The Mythology of the World Axis; Exploring the Role of Plasma in World Mythology (London: All-Round Publications, 2007), ISBN 978-0-9556655-0-9


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Sterren Kijken in Australië', Frontier Magazine, 13. 2 (2007), 64-69 (Dutch)


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Korean Signs and Wonders', Fortean Times; The World of Strange Phenomena, 223 (2007), 56-57


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Blood (not so) Simple', a review of B. Sykes, Blood of the Isles; Exploring the Genetic Roots of our Tribal History (London: Bantam Press, 2006), ISBN 0-593-05652-3, in Fortean Times; The World of Strange Phenomena, 220 (2007), 63


M. A. van der Sluijs, a review of N. J. Saunders, Alexander's Tomb; The Two Thousand Year Obsession to Find the Lost Conqueror (New York: Basic Books, 2006), ISBN 978-0-465-07202-6, in Fortean Times; The World of Strange Phenomena, 219 (2007), 60-61


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'To the Finland Station ...', a review of F. Vinci, The Baltic Origins of Homer's Epic Tales; The Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Migration of Myth (Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions, 2005), ISBN 978-1-594-77052-4, in Fortean Times; The World of Strange Phenomena, 216 (2006), 65


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Jezus - van Dwerg tot Reus', Frontier Magazine, 11. 4 (2005), 40-49 (Dutch)


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Johann Radloff', Chronology & Catastrophism Workshop (2005: 2), 25-26


M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Gods and Planets (Part 2)', Chronology & Catastrophism Workshop (2003: 2), 13-15

M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Gods and Planets', Chronology & Catastrophism Workshop (2003: 1), 14-16  

M. A. van der Sluijs, De Mythische Jezus; Waarom Jezus niet Uniek Was (Delft: Koopman & Kraaijenbrink, 2002), ISBN 90-75675-08-9 (Dutch)


M. A. van der Sluijs, On the Beaten Track; Een Jaartje Backpacken in Australië en Nieuw-Zeeland (Delft: Koopman & Kraaijenbrink, 2000/2002), ISBN 90-75675-04-6 (Dutch)

M. A. van der Sluijs, In Holland Staat een Sluis; 500 Jaar Leven en Werken van de Familie Van der Sluijs op 't Spuij (privately published, 1998) (Dutch)  
genealogy (unpublished)
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Table of my Ancestors'  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Stamboom van de Familie 'Van der Sluijs'' (1999-) (Dutch)  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'En in dat Huis daar Woont De Heer; Een Beknopte Familiegeschiedenis van de Familie De Heer' (1999) (Dutch)  
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Over het Voorgeslacht van Frans Fransz. van Bodegom (-1638)' (Dutch)