bibliography |
peer-reviewed publications
A. van der Sluijs, 'The Tortuous Discovery of the
Gegenschein, False Zodiacal Light & Zodiacal
Band - Brorsen vs Jones', Journal of the British
Astronomical Association, 134. 1 (February 2024),
55-57 |
A. van der Sluijs & H. Hayakawa, 'A Candidate
Auroral Report in the Bamboo Annals, Indicating
a Possible Extreme Space Weather Event in the Early
10th Century BCE', Advances in Space Research,
72. 12 (15 December 2023), 5767-5776 |
A. van der Sluijs, 'Ancient Reports of the Zodiacal
Light as Viewed from Mountain Tops', The Observatory,
143. 1293 (April 2023), 57-63 |
A. van der Sluijs, 'Corona Discharges on von Reichenbach's
Terrellae?', Journal of Scientific Exploration,
36. 2 (2022), 298-304 |
A. van der Sluijs, 'Concepts of Sun and Earth in
the Ancient World', a review of T. Bilic, The
Land of the Solstices. Myth, Geography and Astronomy
in Ancient Greece ('BAR International Series',
3039; Oxford: BAR Publishing, 2021), The Classical
Review, 72. 1 (2021), 297-300 (submitted
manuscript version here) |
van der Sluijs, 'Earliest References to the Astronomical
World Axis', Ancient Philosophy, 41. 2 (2021),
267-290 |
A. van der Sluijs, 'The Ins and Outs of Gilgame's
Passage through Darkness', Talanta; Proceedings
of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society,
52 (2020), 7-36 |
M. A. van der
Sluijs, 'Joshua's Celestial Miracle Was not an
Eclipse: The Long and the Short', Culture and
Cosmos; A Journal of the History of Astrology
and Cultural Astronomy, 23. 1 (2019), 21-69
James & M. A. van der Sluijs, 'The Fall of Phaethon
in Context: A New Synthesis of Mythological, Archaeological
and Geological Evidence', Journal of Ancient
Near Eastern Religions, 16. 1 (2016), 67-94 |
James & M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Revisiting the
Colour of Saturn as Perceived in Antiquity', The
Observatory, 134. 1241 (August 2014), 210-212 |
A. van der Sluijs, 'A Common Miscitation of William
Gilbert', Eos, Transactions American Geophysical
Union, 95. 16 (22 April 2014), 137 |
A. van der Sluijs & P. James, 'Saturn as the
'Sun of Night' in Ancient Near Eastern Tradition',
Aula Orientalis, 31. 2 (2013), 279-321 |
A. van der Sluijs & R. J. Johnson, 'Geometry
of an Intense Auroral Column as Recorded in Rock
Art', Journal of Scientific Exploration,
27. 2 (2013), 227-246 |
James & M. A. van der Sluijs, ''Silver': A
Hurrian Phaethon', Journal of Ancient Near
Eastern Religions, 12. 2 (2012), 237-251
M. A. van der
Sluijs, 'Closing Gaps in Traditional Sky Lore',
Perspectives on Science, 20. 1 (2012),
M. A. van der
Sluijs, 'The Wish-Granting Jewel: Exploring the
Buddhist Origins of the Holy Grail', Viator;
Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 42. 2 (2011),
A. van der Sluijs & A. L. Peratt, 'Astronomical
Petroglyphs - Searching for Rock Art Evidence for
an Ancient Super Aurora', Expedition, 52.
2 (2010), 33-42 |
P. James
& M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Saturn's Phoebe Ring
and Ancient Babylonian Observations', The Observatory,
130. 1215 (April 2010), 89-91
M. A. van der
Sluijs, 'The Dragon of the Eclipses - A Note',
Culture and Cosmos; A Journal of the History
of Astrology and Cultural Astronomy, 13. 1
(2009), 63-75
M. A. van
der Sluijs, 'Who Are the 'Attendants of Helios'?',
Journal of the American Oriental Society,
129. 2 (2009), 169-177
M. A. van der
Sluijs, 'Three Ancient Reports of Near-Death Experiences:
Bremmer Revisited', Journal of Near-Death Studies,
27. 4 (2009), 223-253
M. A. van
der Sluijs, 'Hll: Lord of the Sickle',
Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 68. 4
(2009), 269-281
A. van der Sluijs & A. L. Peratt, 'The Ourobóros
as an Auroral Phenomenon', Journal of Folklore
Research, 46. 1 (2009), 3-41
M. A. van der
Sluijs, 'Multiple Morning Stars in Oral Cosmological
Traditions', Numen; International Review for
the History of Religions, 56. 4 (2009), 459-476
M. A. van der
Sluijs, review of L. Piccardi & W. B. Masse
(eds.), Myth and Geology ('Geological Society
Special Publications', 273; London: The Geological
Society, 2007), Myth & Symbol, 5. 2
(2009), 58-74
P. James
& M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Ziggurats, Colors,
and Planets: Rawlinson Revisited', Journal
of Cuneiform Studies, 60 (2008), 57-79
M. A. van
der Sluijs, 'On the Wings of Love', Journal
of Ancient Near Eastern Religions, 8. 2 (2008),
L. Peratt, J. McGovern, A. H. Qöyawayma,
M. A. van der Sluijs & M. G. Peratt, 'Characteristics
for the Occurrence of a High-Current Z-Pinch Aurora
as Recorded in Antiquity Part II: Directionality
and Source', IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science,
35. 4 (2007), 778-807
L. Peratt, M. A. van der Sluijs, J. McGovern &
P. Bustamante, 'Virtual Image Reconstruction of
an Intense Z-Pinch Aurora at Earth's Southern Axis
from Archaic Petroglyphs' (conference record, Proceedings
of the IEEE International Conference on Pulsed Power
and Plasma Science; Albuquerque, New Mexico,
2007), 623 |
L. Peratt, M. A. van der Sluijs, J. McGovern &
P. Bustamante, 'Reconstruction of an Intense Auroral
Z-Pinch from Instabilities Recorded in Antiquity',
Bulletin of the American Physical Society;
48th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma
Physics (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2006),
A. van der Sluijs & A. L. Peratt, 'Intense
Prehistoric Auroral Z-Pinch Recordings: Surveys
of South Korean and Thailand Petroglyphs' (conference
record, Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International
Conference on Plasma Science; Traverse City,
Michigan, 2006), 340
M. A. van der
Sluijs, 'Phaethon and the Great Year', Apeiron;
A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science,
39. 1 (2006), 57-90
L. Peratt, M. A. van der Sluijs & D. A. Scott,
'Evidence of an Influx of Interstellar Plasma
from Archaic Z-Pinch Recordings', Bulletin
of the American Physical Society (Tampa, Florida,
2005), L1.030
M. A. van der
Sluijs, 'A Possible Babylonian Precursor to the
Theory of Ecpyrōsis', Culture and
Cosmos; A Journal of the History of Astrology
and Cultural Astronomy, 9. 2 (2005), 1-19
M. A. van der
Sluijs, 'The World Axis as an Atmospheric Phenomenon',
Cosmos; The Journal of the Traditional Cosmology
Society, 21. 1 (2005), 3-52
L. Peratt, D. A. Scott & M. A. van der Sluijs,
'Orientation of Intense Z-Pinch Instabilities
from an Intense Aurora as Recorded in Prehistory',
Bulletin of the American Physical Society;
46th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma
Physics (Savannah, Georgia, 2004)
other publications
A. van der Sluijs, 'An Ancient Venus Portent: Comet
or Mirage?', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism
Review (2024: 1), 25-36 |
A. van der Sluijs, 'Joining Kekulé's Dots', unpublished
(2023) |
A. van der Sluijs, 'Age-Old Questions', a letter
in Fortean Times; The World of Strange Phenomena,
428 (February 2023), 64-65 (a 139-year old Panamanian
woman?) |
A. van der Sluijs, 'When the Aurora Went Global',
Nexus; The Alternative News Magazine, 29.
2 (February-March 2022), 63-69 (Australian edition)
= Nexus; New Times Magazine, 29. 2 (March-April
2022), 61-67 (North American edition) |
A. van der Sluijs, 'The Sign of Hezekiah: Retracing
the Steps', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism
Review (2021: 3), 19-38 |
A. van der Sluijs, On the Origin of Myths in
Catastrophic Experience, vol. 2: The Earth's
Aurora (Vancouver: All-Round Publications, 2021),
ISBN 978-1-9994383-3-3 |
M. A.
van der Sluijs, 'Trials on the Trails of Typhon
and the Exodus; Part 2', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism
Review (2020: 3), 24-40
A. van der Sluijs, 'Trials on the Trails of Typhon
and the Exodus; Part 1', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism
Review (2020: 2), 3-22
A. van der Sluijs, On the Origin of Myths in
Catastrophic Experience, vol. 1: Preliminaries
(Vancouver: All-Round Publications, 2019), ISBN
978-1-9994383-2-6 |
A. van der Sluijs, 'Homer's Árktos - 'Bearly'
Polar', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review
(2019: 1), 53-56 |
A. van der Sluijs, Traditional Cosmology; The
Global Mythology of Cosmic Creation and Destruction
(Vancouver: All-Round Publications, 2018), in 6
5: Solar and Lunar Anomalies,
ISBN paperback 9781999438302
6: Miscellaneous Themes, ISBN paperback 9781999438319
M. A. van der Sluijs,
'Nieuwe Stroming in Bijna-Dood-Studies?', Frontier
Magazine, 23. 3 (2017), 32-38 (Dutch) |
A. van der Sluijs, 'In Memoriam. Han Kloosterman
- A Romantic Catastrophist (1931-2016), SIS Chronology
& Catastrophism Review (2017: 1), 3-4 |
A. van der Sluijs, 'A Geomagnetic Approach to Traditions
of Axes Mundi; Parts III and IV', SIS
Chronology & Catastrophism Review (2017: 1),
4-18 |
A. van der Sluijs, obituary for Han Kloosterman,
Fortean Times; The World of Strange Phenomena,
351 (March 2017), 23-25 (original,
unedited text) |
A. van der Sluijs, 'A Geomagnetic Approach to Traditions
of Axes Mundi; Part II', SIS Chronology
& Catastrophism Review (2016: 3), 12-23 |
A. van der Sluijs, 'A Geomagnetic Approach to Traditions
of Axes Mundi; Part I', SIS Chronology
& Catastrophism Review (2016: 2), 13-27 |
J. Johnson & M. A. van der Sluijs, 'A Note on Plasmoids
on the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Winston
H. Bostick', SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review
(2016: 2), 43-46 |
A. van der Sluijs, 'The Usselo Layer, the Global
Conflagration and the Vanishing Act', SIS Chronology
& Catastrophism Review (2015: 3), 3-9, a
translation of H. Kloosterman, 'De Laag van Usselo,
de Wereldbrand en de Verdwijntruc', Bres; Onafhankelijk
Tijdschrift over Keerpunten in Mens en Cultuur,
201 (April-May 2000), 63-74 |
A. van der Sluijs, 'I Sing the Mind Electric', Fortean
Times; The World of Strange Phenomena, 323 (January
2015), 40-43 |
A. van der Sluijs, 'A Response to Cardona's Objections',
SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review
(2013), 51-56
A. van der Sluijs, 'The Ouroboros and the Aurora',
in W. Welling (ed.), Dangerous and Divine;
the Secret of the Serpent (Amsterdam: KIT
Publishers, 2012), 148-153 = M. A. van der Sluijs,
'De Ouroboros en de Aurora', in W. Welling (ed.),
Goddelijk en Griezelig; Het Geheim van de Slang
(Amsterdam: KIT Publishers, 2012), 148-153 (Dutch)
M. A. van der Sluijs, obituary for Richard Stothers,
Fortean Times; The World of Strange Phenomena,
285 (2012), 26
A. van der Sluijs, Traditional Cosmology; The
Global Mythology of Cosmic Creation and Destruction
(London: All-Round Publications, 2011), in 6 volumes:
1: Preliminaries; Formation,
ISBN hardback 9780955665578, paperback 9780955665530
2: Functions, ISBN hardback 9780955665585,
paperback 9780955665547
3: Differentiation, ISBN hardback 9780955665592,
paperback 9780955665554
4: Disintegration, ISBN hardback 9780957061101,
paperback 9780955665561
M. A. van der
Sluijs, 'Capron and the Crop Circles', Fortean
Times; The World of Strange Phenomena, 275
(May 2011), 50-51
A. van der Sluijs & S. H. Jo, All about
London 런던이야기
(Seoul, South Korea: Nexus, 2010;
ISBN 978-89-6000-884-7 13740)
A. van der Sluijs, 'Johann Radlof: The Father
of Planetary Catastrophism', in I. Tresman (ed.),
Quantavolution: Challenges to Conventional
Science; Dedicated to Alfred de Grazia on his
90th Birthday (Dec 29, 2009) (Sandbach, United
Kingdom: Knowledge Computing, 2010), 337-348
M. A.
van der Sluijs, 'The Palpa Lines, Peru', Fortean
Times; The World of Strange Phenomena, 263
(2010), 74-76
A. van der Sluijs, 'Rotsvast Bewijs voor een Prehistorisch
Poollicht', Frontier; Grensverleggend Magazine,
14. 5 (2008), 64-69 (Dutch)
A. van der Sluijs, 'Ancient Traditions: What Can
they Tell us about the History of the Earth?',
SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review,
'Proceedings of the SIS Cambridge Conference,
FitzWilliam College 31st August - 2nd September
2007' (2008), 56-67
A. van der Sluijs, 'Korea's Prehistoric Past',
The East Asian Monthly Business Newspaper,
9 (2008), 24-25
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Konglish: Tips from the
Author of '111 Antidotes to Konglish'', The
East Asian Monthly Business Newspaper, 7 (2008),
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Konglish: Tips from the
Author of '111 Antidotes to Konglish'', The
East Asian Monthly Business Newspaper, 6 (2008),
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Peopling the Mythical
Landscape', Wellness Times; Alternative Journal
of Body, Mind & Spirit, 4. 3 (2008), 3-4
A. van der Sluijs, 111 Antidotes to Konglish
(London: All-Round Publications, 2008), ISBN 978-0-9556655-2-3
M. A.
van der Sluijs, 'Rock's Greatest Lightshow', Fortean
Times; The World of Strange Phenomena, 233
(2008), 56-57
A. van der Sluijs, The World Axis as an Atmospheric
Phenomenon (London: All-Round Publications,
2007), ISBN 978-0-9556655-1-6
A. van der Sluijs, The Mythology of the World
Axis; Exploring the Role of Plasma in World Mythology
(London: All-Round Publications, 2007), ISBN 978-0-9556655-0-9
M. A. van der Sluijs, 'Sterren Kijken in Australië',
Frontier Magazine, 13. 2 (2007), 64-69
A. van der Sluijs, 'Korean Signs and Wonders',
Fortean Times; The World of Strange Phenomena,
223 (2007), 56-57
A. van der Sluijs, 'Blood (not so) Simple', a
review of B. Sykes, Blood of the Isles; Exploring
the Genetic Roots of our Tribal History (London:
Bantam Press, 2006), ISBN 0-593-05652-3, in Fortean
Times; The World of Strange Phenomena, 220
(2007), 63
A. van der Sluijs, a review of N. J. Saunders,
Alexander's Tomb; The Two Thousand Year Obsession
to Find the Lost Conqueror (New York: Basic
Books, 2006), ISBN 978-0-465-07202-6, in Fortean
Times; The World of Strange Phenomena, 219
(2007), 60-61
A. van der Sluijs, 'To the Finland Station ...',
a review of F. Vinci, The Baltic Origins of
Homer's Epic Tales; The Iliad, the Odyssey, and
the Migration of Myth (Rochester, Vermont:
Inner Traditions, 2005), ISBN 978-1-594-77052-4,
in Fortean Times; The World of Strange Phenomena,
216 (2006), 65
A. van der Sluijs, 'Jezus - van Dwerg tot Reus',
Frontier Magazine, 11. 4 (2005), 40-49
M. A. van
der Sluijs, 'Johann Radloff', Chronology &
Catastrophism Workshop (2005: 2), 25-26
M. A. van
der Sluijs, 'Gods and Planets (Part 2)', Chronology
& Catastrophism Workshop (2003: 2), 13-15
A. van der Sluijs, 'Gods and Planets', Chronology
& Catastrophism Workshop (2003: 1), 14-16 |
M. A. van der Sluijs, De Mythische Jezus;
Waarom Jezus niet Uniek Was (Delft: Koopman
& Kraaijenbrink, 2002), ISBN 90-75675-08-9
M. A. van der Sluijs, On the Beaten Track;
Een Jaartje Backpacken in Australië en Nieuw-Zeeland
(Delft: Koopman & Kraaijenbrink, 2000/2002),
ISBN 90-75675-04-6 (Dutch)
M. A. van der Sluijs,
In Holland Staat een Sluis; 500 Jaar Leven en
Werken van de Familie Van der Sluijs op 't Spuij
(privately published, 1998) (Dutch) |
genealogy (unpublished)
A. van der Sluijs, 'Table of my Ancestors' |
A. van der Sluijs, 'Stamboom van de Familie 'Van
der Sluijs'' (1999-) (Dutch) |
A. van der Sluijs, 'En in dat Huis daar Woont De
Heer; Een Beknopte Familiegeschiedenis van de Familie
De Heer' (1999) (Dutch) |
A. van der Sluijs, 'Over het Voorgeslacht van Frans
Fransz. van Bodegom (-1638)' (Dutch) |